
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Finally the new government Muzito

No more suspense. The President of the Republic is to overhaul the government and his cabinet. First observation: maintaining Adolphe Muzito as Prime Minister. Second observation: the reduction of ministerial posts. 54 members, the Executive is now composed of 43 ministers and deputy ministers. Government austerity. Third observation: mission under the banner of social and preparation of elections. Great challenges lie ahead.

Congo-DRC: Finally the new government Muzito
Besides the Government, the Head of State has also reshuffled his cabinet by appointing a new Chief of Staff and a Special Advisor on Security. - Willingness to give new impetus to government action.

The wait seemed long. Whereas since June 2009, the government reshuffle comes late to intervene. After the order made public last Friday evening, the President of the Republic proceeded to reshuffle the government. A reading of the composition of this team, we see that the President of the Republic has renewed its confidence in Prime Minister who has been reappointed. But also François Joseph Mobutu Nzanga as Prime Minister, Minister for Employment, Labor and Welfare. Continuing to prove that the coalition-AMP-PALU UDEMO is doing well and there was more fear than harm. Quit to take into account all relevant comments to continue to govern together.

However, we see significant outflows were recorded. These are precisely the former deputy prime ministers and Bongeli Mutombo Bakafwa Nsenda. But also that of Matenda, former Finance Minister Lokoka, Minister of Budget. The former finance minister was replaced by Matata Ponyo, former Director General of BCECO working closely with the IMF and World Bank. As for Pierre Lumbi former Minister for Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction, he was called to other duties as Special Adviser to the Head of State Security.

Government austerity

Another feature to note, the size of government. 54 members, the Executive now has 43 members. This reduction in the size of Government by the amalgamation of certain portfolios and county has a goal to make more compact the government team for more efficiency, lower the standard of living of the State to achieve the completion point and stabilization of macro-economic framework. This is a government austerity and that all departments will do the same to reduce the number of advisers overcrowded ..

Its tasks are to consolidate the achievements of the Government in this mission for peace, restoration and the affirmation of the authority of el 'state and the opening diplomatic to continue the program of national reconstruction and the achievement of 5 yards of the Republic by the acceleration of economic growth, improve social populations thanks to measures to improve business climate, the application of the policy of "zero tolerance" and the benefits of achieving completion point and in stabilizing the macroeconomic framework, and finally to the organization of elections. These are major challenges.

In the same vein, the President of the Republic proceeded to reshuffle his cabinet. Pierre Lumbi Okongo was appointed Special Adviser on Security and G. Beya, new Chief of Staff.

Below the entire ordinance appointing members of the Government ..

Order No. 10 / of appointing vice-premiers, ministers and deputy ministers

The President of the Republic,

Given the Constitution, especially Articles 78, 79 and 90;

Revised Ordinance No. 08/067 of October 26, 2008 appointing the Vice-Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers;

On the proposal of the Prime Minister;


Article 1:

Are named Deputy Prime Ministers, the following persons:

1. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Employment, Labor and Social Welfare: François Joseph Mobutu NZANGA Ngbangawe

2. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Security: Mr. Adolphe Lumanu Mulenda BWANA N'SEFU

3. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Posts, Telephones and Telecom-munications: Mr Simon BULUPIY GALATI

Article 2:

Ministers are appointed to office next to their names, the following persons:

1. Foreign Minister: Mr. Alexis Thambwe Mwamba

2. Minister of International Cooperation and Regional: Raymond TSHIBANDA N'TUNGAMULONGO

3. Minister of National Defense and Veterans Affairs: Mr. Charles Mwando SIMBA

4. Minister of Justice and Human Rights: Mr Luzolo BAMBI Lessa

5. Minister of Decentralization and Planning: Mr Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi

6. Minister for Relations with Parliament: Mr Richard MUYEJ MANGENZ

7. Minister of Communication and Media: Mr. Lambert MENDE Omalanga

8. Minister of Finance: Mr. MATATA PONYO MAPON

9. Budget Minister: Jean-Baptiste NTAHWA KUDERWA BATUMIKE

10. Minister of Planning: Mr. Olivier KAMITATU ETSU

11. Minister Portfolio: Jeannine MABUNDA Lioko

12. Minister of National Economy: Jean-Marie Bulambo KILOSHO

13. Minister for Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction: Mr. Fridolin KASWESHI MUSOKE

14. Minister of Energy: Mr. Gilbert Tshiongo Tshibinkubula WA TUMBA

15. Minister for Mines: Mr. Martin Kabwelulu Labilo

16. Minister of Hydrocarbons: Mr. Celestine MBUYU Kabango

17. Minister of Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism: Mr Jose Endundo Bononge

18. Minister of Transport and Communication Channels: Ms. Marie-Laure Kawanda KAYEN

19. Minister of Public Health: Mr. Victor Makwenge Kaput

20. Minister of Higher Education and University: Mr. Leonard Mashako MAMBA

21. Minister of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education: Mr. Maker Mwangu Famba

22. Minister of Agriculture: Mr. Norbert Basengezi KATINTIMA

23. Minister of Rural Development: Mr. Philippe UNDJI Yangyi

24. Minister of Industry: Mr. Anicet KUZUNDA MUTANGIJI

25. Minister of Commerce, Small and Medium Enterprises: Bernard Biondo SANGO

26. Minister of Gender, Women and Children: Marie-Ange Lukiana Mufwankolo

27. Minister of Land Affairs: Mr. Kisimba Ngoy SHIFT

28. Minister of Urbanization and Habitat: Mr. Cesar Lubamba Ngimbi

29. Minister of Social Affairs, Humanitarian Action and National Solidarity: Mr Ferdinand KAMBERE Kalumba

30. Minister of Public Service: Mr. Dieudonné Upir SUNGUMA KAGIMBI

31Ministre Scientific Research: Jean-Pierre BOKOLE Ompok

32. Minister of Culture and Arts: Mrs. Jeannette KAVIRA MAPERA

33. Minister of Youth and Sports: Monsieur Claude BAZIBUHE Nyamugabo

Article 3:

Are appointed Vice-Ministers to functions next to their names, the following persons:

1. Vice-Minister of Interior Mr. George Zuka MON'DO UGONDA-LEMBA

2. Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs: Mr. Ignace GATA Mavita WA LUFUTA

3. Vice-Minister of Finance: Mr Joash MBITSO NGEDZA

4. Vice Minister of Budget: Mr. André SHIKAYI Luboyera Bankin

5. Vice-Minister of Commerce: Ms. Xaverine Karomba MITIMITUJE

6. Vice-Minister of Public Works: Mr. Gervais NTINUMENYERWA KIMONYO

7. Vice-Minister of Education Professional: Mr Arthur SEDEA NGAMO ZABUSU

Article 4:

Are repealed all previous provisions contrary to this Ordinance.

Article 5:

The Prime Minister is responsible for the enforcement of this Ordinance comes into force on the date of signature.

Done at Kinshasa,

Joseph Kabila Kabange


Adolphe Muzito

Prime Minister

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